The Importance of Having a Backup Set of Car Keys

  • Owning a vehicle comes with varied responsibilities, such as getting
  • the oil changed regularly, washing the car from time to time, filling
  • the gas, etc. But one aspect of car ownership sometimes goes
  • overlooked, and that’s having a backup set of keys.
  • More often than not, people misplace their car keys, drop car keys
  • in the snow, or have a purse/backpack stolen which contains their
  • only set of car keys. Replacing a car key with no other keys to copy
  • from is a more costly and stressful process as mobile services or
  • towing need to be involved and the car owner is now stranded until
  • someone can come make them another car key. Being prepared by
  • having a backup set of car keys is always the smart and less costly
  • plan for unfortunate future misplacements or thefts.
  • One reason some people avoid getting an extra car key copied is

misconception of high price and lengthy process. True, dealerships charge high prices and sometimes only book a week or 2 in advance; however, Lockmish Locksmith Services in Winnipeg offers car key duplication and programming at a fraction of dealership prices and can get you in and out with a new car key the same day of your call. This not only relieves a car owner of added expenses, but saves them time. Think of it this way, dealerships have their mechanics and can book mechanical appointments when your car needs a check up or repairs; nevertheless, most people take their vehicles to private mechanic shops to have their cars checked or fixed because of the huge difference in cost and scheduling. Making car keys in Winnipeg follows the same principle. Lockmish Locksmith Services does it cheaper and faster- every customer’s dream come true when it comes to getting a service done.