Car Key Types and Key Programming Services in Winnipeg

Car keys have evolved in the automotive industry over the last decade and more vehicles operate with electrical components and technology. Whether your car still uses a mechanical all metal key, or is a smart, proximity key fob, knowing where the best place to go to for an extra car key copy in Winnipeg is vital for any car owner.

What’s Involved in Getting a Car Key Copied?

Knowing your type of key will help in understanding all that’s involved when getting a spare key made for your vehicle. Some shops will use technical terms or language that will act as a disguise for extra charges; however, knowing what your car does and doesn’t need can avoid any extra charges.

Mechanical Key: common among vehicles from 1950s to late 90s, do not require programming, simple cut and most likely have an MPI immobilizer as the factory key doesn’t have anti-theft technology yet

Transponder Key: common among vehicles from late 90s up to today’s vehicles that have a keyed ignition, require programming and have 2 cutting options for regular cut and router/laser cut. Router/Laser Cuts are more expensive.

FOB Head Key/Key FOB: common among vehicles in the early 2000s up to today’s vehicles that have a keyed ignition, require programming, key itself is more expensive, key has buttons on it from factory setting, have 2 cutting options for regular cut and router/laser cut. Router/Laser Cuts are more expensive.

FOBIK: common among vehicles from 2008 & up. Square, plastic key tip goes in ignition, require programming. Hidden emergency key requires cutting- either regular or router/laser cut. Some fobik keys have proximity features and cost more money.

Smart/Push Start Key FOB: common among vehicles 2013 & up. No key inserted in ignition, only hidden emergency key inside the FOB, require programming and sometimes engine soldering. Some vehicles take more time to program, keys and programming process are most costly in this category of vehicle.

Where to get car keys made and programmed in Winnipeg?

Our top suggestion when looking for a place to get car keys copied, programmed, fixed or replaced would be a local automotive locksmith vs the dealership. Firstly, it’s less expensive, and secondly, you can get it done with a faster turnaround time. Choosing a company with a good track record and reviews goes a long way when deciding who should be making keys for you. An automotive locksmith will be equipped with various programmers for European, American and Asian cars, and can do car key diagnostics along with all things related to car keys at very fair prices. One such Winnipeg-based company is Lockmish Locksmith Services. Many customers reviewed them as “doing car keys at ½ or even a 1/3 of the dealership’s prices,” so this place is definitely the place to go if in need of replacing all your lost car keys or just getting an extra one made for back up.